Friday, January 31, 2014

10 weeks out! Refeeds (yay!), 1st posing session! And new short-term goal!

Almost down to single-digits!!  10 weeks from this Saturday!  That's still plenty of time, I know ... but I still feel like I have such a loooong way to go!  Maybe because this winter SUCKS and April seems so far away temperature-wise!  Anywho....

Getting excited now that I'm learning all the mandatory poses. First session with miss Abby Fox was Tuesday.  I knew most of the poses, now it's just a matter or perfecting them and practice, practice, practice!  I'm super excited to have Laura Wilson helping me create my routine also!  Yeah, I have to do a 60-second routine set to music, that contains the five mandatory poses.  It'll be fun! nerve-wracking, but fun!  So the song that I have selected is Fall Out Boy's "My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark."  What do you think? Hopefully everyone doesn't have the same about eight different people using the song "Sail" at the Louisville show!  Now Steve and I text Emily every single time we hear that song on the radio.  And every time she calls me Bitch!  Haha

Here are a couple poses from my session...I'm not showing the others because they are not very...flattering. Still practicing! 

As I already posted, my results from the 24-day challenge were very pleasing!  Down a total of 16 lbs from Jan 1 (@ 12 on the challenge). 

BF% GOALWeeks Til ShowDateWeightBodyFat%% Change from last Lbs FatLBMChest ArmsHipsWaistThighCalves

I have hovered between 146 & 148 for the last few days, so I've decided to switch things up to try and speed up my progress.  I've been eating in a pretty severe deficit (in relation to my maintenance level, which is around 2300 calories), so I need to rev up my metabolism a bit. So, I am starting to incorporate "refeeds" in every 3-4 days, aka "carb-cycling". 

When you eat too little for too long, your metabolism will start to decrease (hear that, women?!) which makes it even harder to lose fat...your body thinks it is starving and will cling to any little fat it can.  So by increasing the calories to maintenance level (to figure yours, google "tdee calculator" ... that's Total Daily Energy Expediture, which is how many calories you burn daily, including activity/exercise...not to be confused with BMR (basic metabolic rate), which is how much your body burns just to keep you alive...if you laid on the couch all day and didn't move. 

Anyways... Yesterday (well, from 7am yesterday morning until my last meal which was at 3:30am this morning...I'll start "today"'s eating this afternoon at 1pm) was my first refeed day.  I had been at 1600-1700 calories, some days lower, some higher.  Today, though, I consumed over 2100 calories, and yes I did enjoy it!  Definitely not used to eating that much anymore tho.

Now I'll continue at a 1500 daily caloric goal, and in 3-4 days, I'll have another higher calorie/carb day.  I'm considering not even getting on the scale for a week, as to not get discouraged if I see an initial gain.  I can usually tell by how my body looks and feels if I'm up or down though.  I also revamped my eating plan and am eliminating some of the meals I've been eating consistently. I will miss my Chicken Broccoli Slaw, my feta cheese, and oh, my cottage cheese and pineapple... well I will definitely add that in on refeed day tho!  And thank goodness for my cookie dough Quest bars!  Probably going to have to steer clear of the steak (pun intended) and stick mostly with chicken breast, turna and egg whites for my protein. 

I've run out of Catalyst, and hoping my order arrives on Saturday. I can definitely tell a difference without it!  And out of Spark too...geez!

I'll update in a few days once I know if the refeeds are doing the trick! 

Here are a few more 11-week progress pics.  Pretty happy with my ab definition coming thru.  I've seen a lot of assymetrical abs out there!

Oh!  Almost forgot...  I get to be a model! Kinda.  A guy I work with (and his fiancee ... no worries) is creating an advertising campain for a new side to their photography business, "Tasteful Boudoir"!  And asked me to do a photo shoot!  Set for Feb 15th.  I've never done anything like this before, but I'm sure it'll be neat.  But I need help with ideas ... locations and what to wear!  No clue... I may need help with hair and makeup too! 

But if nothing else... I have a new short-term goal to work towards!!  Wish me luck!!!

Stay warm out there!!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

24-Day Challenge final results!

One drunken New Years, I set a goal to drop to 15% bodyfat by the end of the 24-Day Challenge.  The next day I found out that I had crept up to 19.99%!  Oops.  I went a little crazy during the holidays, knowing I was giving it all up until after April 12th.   "I might not make 15%, but I'll do the best I can..." I told myself.  

Starting measurements: Jan 2 (challenge started on Jan 4)

Chest 38.25
Arms 12.0
Hips 39.5
Waist 31.5
Thigh 23.75
Calves 15.75

Weight 158.8 (Was 162.2 on 1/1)
BodyFat: 19.99%

Final measurements: Jan 28

Chest 37.25
Arms 11.5
Hips 36.75
Thigh 22.5
Calves 15.0

Weight 146.2
BodyFat: 15.67%  (So close!!)

Down 16.0lbs since 1/1, 12.6 during challenge
Down 4.32% bodyfat
Dow 8.25 total inches!

My mind is right, and I'm committed to my own personal challenge. But I'm glad to have AdvoCare have entered my life when it did.  For my cravings and hunger to be gone, and the help with preserving all my lean muscle mass as I drop fat, not to mention having MORE energy as I tremendously helpful in helping me achieve my goal!  A little over 10 weeks to go!!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Geez, it's been two weeks! Progress Time!!

Ok, I'm over the snow. And the cold. It's rediculous and I'm ready to move. I just want warmth. And kids in school without two-hour delays. Two hour delays mean I come home and sleep from 7:30am to 9:30am. Wake up, take the kids to school, then come back home (10:30 by this time) and try and fall straight back to sleep (actually I can) until 1:30 or 2. Before I have to leave again to pick the kiddos up from school.  Then teach BodyPump, shower at the gym and go straight back to work from 7p-7a. 

That was my day.  Thank God for BodyPump!

So, without sacrificing sleep, it is impossible for me to lift on certain days.  And I'm sad to say that on most days it's hard for me to spend much time with Kaleb. :(  One of these days... I will quit this time-sucking, only-here-for-a-paycheck job and pursue health and fitness as my full time job, work less hours, make more money, and design my own life.  One of these days...I'll be able to spend time with my kid every day, put him to bed more than 3 days a week, and maybe even get to go on a date with my hubby (or will-be of these days...still need money and time to make that happen too!).  *Sigh*

Anywho!  It's been a while!

I feel as tho it's pointless to spend the time typing up my full workouts to post.  But I have been trying to stick to the 4-day split as written, but for reasons listed above, my schedule just isn't feasible to stick to anything exact.  My program continues to be a work in progress.  However, I am sticking to the split-style workout. Focusing on 2-3 muscle groups at a time, and doing 2-3 exercises per muscle group, and 3-4 sets or 8-12 reps (progressive-overload-style...which is continuing to increase reps, and when reaching 12 reps, increase weight and start back at 8 reps).  Number of muscle groups and exercises just depends on how much time I have.  I've been doing a lot of lifting at home, and going to the Monon center when it makes sense time-wise.  I'd love to be more consistent with my lifting, but until I am able to leave this job, it just ain't happening!

I'm also back to teaching classes regularly. I mean just with the holidays, etc. there were gaps where, like I didn't teach my Tuesday BodyPump or my Wednesday BodyAttack for 3+ weeks becuase of holidays!  Let me say, teaching Attack once a week is hard enough...teaching after 3 weeks off is NUTSO!

But altogether I've been killing it with my diet and training.  Looking back thru my log, I've only taken 3 rest days this year, New Years Day (we've talked about that), Jan 3rd, and this past Saturday because we went to Columbus (gone 4:30am to 11pm).  I've been trying to add in incline treadmill (10 to 12 level incline at 3.0 to 3.5 mph). And with Les Mills launch coming up, I've spent a lot of time learing chorey and at time, physically practicing. Although not working at 100% intensity, I do break a good sweat when I practice.

My sleep has been an area that I've had to sacrifice as well, unfortunately.  Sometimes by my choice (when I woke up early to go to fasted cardio when I could have slept in until BodyPump) and sometimes not (stupid two-hour delay).

That said, I still feel amazing!!  I have plenty of energy, and even still doing 2-3 separate workouts a day sometimes.   4 on Sunday actually... Pump, Combat, CXWorx in the morning, and still lifted at home.  Did 6am fasted cardio the next morning, taught Pump at 9:30am, and lifted again that afternoon.  With the post workout recovery drink I have and the nighttime recovery when I feel like I needed, I haven't had much muscle soreness at all considering the amounts I'm lifting.  I'm up to 195lb 4x10 squats, did 100lb bench press 4x8 ... up to 370lb 4x10 leg press... not too shabby I don't think. And I'm seeing definition too... in my arms, legs, abs ... I know I'm working hard. I'm just not sore! 

And progress-wise... where did I leave off last? 

Well, Jan 2nd numbers:

Chest: 38.25
Arms: 12.0
Hips: 39.5
Waist: 31.5
Thigh: 23.75
Calf: 15.75

Bodyfat: 19.99%

And Jan 17 (day 14 of challenge):

Chest: 37.25 ... (down 1.0)
Arms: 11.75 ... (down 0.25)
Hips: 38 ... (down 1.5!)
Waist: 30.5 ... (down 1.0)
Thigh: 22.5 ... (down 1.0)
Calf: 15.25 ... (down 0.5)

Bodyfat: 16.77%  (down 3.22%!!!)
Weight: 149.0 (down 13.2 lbs from 162.2 on 1/1)

(Progress pics at the end)

Not too shabby!!  I started the 24-day challenge on 1/4, so I was already losing weight before that, but had been taking the MNS (Metabolic Nutrition System) Max vitamins for the two weeks prior. Once I quit my junk food habits and cut out the crap, it started falling off.  The cleanse phase (first 10 days) really cut all the excess water, toxins and crap and was a big part of my initial loss.  My cravings have been non-existent anymore. I've caught myself saying to people that I was a junk-food addict (past-tense) instead of "I am". :) And my energy is thru-the-roof because of the products I'm taking, especially the sports performance ones.  And like today, I had Mass Impact for the first time, with Arginine Extreme, O2 Gold, and Catalyst as my pre-workout before BodyPump.  Felt amazing, and there isn't even caffeine in them!  I didn't have caffeine today until 1am at work!

I'm currently on day 17, and down to 148.8.  Never to see 150 again!
So even though my loss has slowed, that is to be expected since I should really only be losing about 1 to 1.5 lbs a week, now that I'm losing fat.  All fat, in fact! The amazing thing about those numbers, though, is the fact that I'm maintaining my lean muscle mass, even in a calorie deficit.  There are days when I'm only taking in 1300 calories or so.  Typically though, it's closer to 1600-1800.  I'm not losing my muscle because I'm taking in quite a bit of protein, usually 180-200 g per day.  And because the Catalyst and other supps that I take that all contain lots of BCAA's.  The MNS in itself is like a big bucket of nutrition filling in the gaps of anything I may be missing from food.  Especially since I'm eating pretty much the same things daily. 

My diet consists of:

1 cup (or 1/2 cup) egg whites (usually with 2 tbsp salsa)
+ 1 packet plain oatmeal with Stevia and cinnamon (sometimes w/walnuts)

or Meal Replacement Shake* (replaces one meal or snack per day...not always breakfast)

Chicken Broccoli Slaw (I am not eating this as often though because of the carbs in the dressing, but if it fits my macros that day, I'll still eat it occasionally)

5-7 oz Chicken Breast + veggies (broccoli/carrots/cauliflower - steamed)

5-7 oz Steak/Chicken + sauted bell pepper and onion (maybe 1/2 tbsp low sodium soy sauce)  *This is becoming a new favorite!

7oz Salmon w/garlic + 12 asparagus spears (may or may not have sweet potato w/stevia, cinnamon, 3 pecans... depending on if meal close to workout time or not)

2 cups spinach + bell pepper + 1/4 cup feta cheese + 2 tbsp balsamic vinaigrette + 3-4 oz chicken breast

Half cup Cottage cheese + 50-75 g pineapple (I could eat this every day for the rest of my life)

Quest bar

1 oz cinnamon almonds (soak in egg whites, cover in Stevia and cinnamon, baked at 325-degrees for about 25 min)

Calorie / Macro goals:

1600-1800 calories
Protein: 40-45%
Carbs: 30%
Fat: 25-30%

My calorie goal varies because depending on my work/sleep schedule, my eating window is longer/shorter.  Sometimes I'm up for 24-hours (minus possibly a 2-3 hour nap) and some days I'm only awake for 12-13 hours.  But looking at my average intake for, say the last week, it comes to average 1645 calories. Average protein for the last week comes to 170g, which is 41%...and so on. So I'm on target!!  

You can view my food log at , user name lesliehylton81. 

I've leveled out now so I'm not dropping huge numbers, because I don't have huge numbers to drop.  I am steadily dropping average of about 0.2 lbs per day, which equates to about 1.4 lbs per week. I'll adjust as I need if I stall, and at some point might need to consult a nutrition coach, but I don't feel the need as long as I'm reaching my goals! 

Speaking of coaches ... my first appointment with my posing coach is Friday!!

I've been looking at posing suits too, and I'm pretty dead-set on RED!

Ok, I better get to studying.  Still lots of choreography to learn before launch!! 

Oops, Almost forgot the pics!  (if you're on my FB, you've probably seen them anyways)

Challenge Day 1 (top) - 158.0 lbs
Challenge Day 7 (bottom) - 151.0 lbs

Day 10 (I think)

Some yumminess! 

BodyFat and new progress pics coming in the next couple days!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

1 week into the new am I doing? And my "plan" mwah ha ha

I'm happy to report that the switch (at Midnight on New Year's) has stayed flipped!  I'm doing awesome...weekend and all.  I'm so all-or-nothing that it is sooo much easier for me now that the junk is not an option any longer.

I'll start with stats & food.

1/1 - 162.2 lbs. Holy shit. I'm up a solid 10 lbs since a month ago. 

Since it was a rest day (recovery in many ways), I was very low on calories.

kCals - 1216
Protein - 174 g (41%)
Carbs - 76g (25%)
Fat - 47g (34%)

1/2 - 158.0 lbs  19.99% bodyfat.  Holy shit again.  Up 2.22% bf in < 2 wks. I'm not sure how water retention affects bf%, but I guess we'll see next check-in.  From this point, I have about 10% to lose in a little over 14 weeks. Game on.

Lift @ home today (Legs + abs/butt + 20 min cardio)

kCals - 1331
Protein - 185g (49%)
Carbs - 91g (24%)
Fat - 45g (27%)

1/3 - 155.8 lbs. Better.  24-Day Challenge starts tomorrow!

Rest day today.

kCals - 1395
Protein - 211g (48%)
Carbs - 89g (20%)
Fat - 63g (32%)

1/4 - 155.2 lbs. 
Challenge Day #1!  Fiber drink is disgusting. Something that tastes that bad has GOT to work!  I know I'm selling this stuff, but I'm just sayin...

Lift @ home - Shoulders/Triceps + Abs/Butt

kCals - 1807
Protein - 219g (48%)
Carbs - 142g (31%)
Fat - 44g (21%)

1/5 - 154.8 lbs

Just practiced BodyCombat at home today, learning new choreography.

kCals - 1391
Protein - 146g (38%)
Carbs - 134g (35%)
Fat - 47g (27%)

1/6 - 152.8 lbs

Lift @ home - chest, back, biceps + practice BodyCombat at home (was probably at 85-90% effort, good and sweaty).

kCals - 1364
Protein - 234g (51%)
Carbs - 129g (28%)
Fat - 42g (21%)

1/7 - 152.4 lbs  Day #4. (No more fiber drink til Day 8!)

Lift @ home - Quads & Hams + Abs

kCals - 1187
Protein - 192g (52%)
Carbs - 108g (29%)
Fat - 31g (19%)

(Yes, if you're paying attention, you'll see that's 10 lbs lost in a week!!!)

So after typing that out, I'm really surprised to see that almost every day for the past week I've been at or under 1400 calories per day, except the one day I hit 1800, which was my goal anyways.  I guess I just didn't realize how low I've been...consistently!  More surprised, because I haven't been hungry at all (Those of you who know me know I used to always be hungry and can eat like a man)! 

I knew the MNS Max E (daily vitamin strip) was working as far as energy and appetite control, but I stopped that when I started the challenge (Max phase of challenge is days 11-24).  The fiber drink and pills really do work!  Plus I'm getting 35-40 g of fiber each day, so I'm sure that helps. 

I was worried about lowering my carbs, but energy-wise I feel great. Even at work during my third shift, I haven't been tired.  I replaced coffee w/Spark (I did actually have a cup last night, but that was more due to the negative 12-degree temps and sitting in front of an ER entrance door). 

Ok, my plan (food, supplements, workouts)!

I'm pretty much eating the same foods, but not exactly the same diet day-after-day. You can see my full food log at (user name lesliehylton81), but here are my main foods.

- Oatmeal (plain) w/berries + 1/8 c walnuts + 3 egg whites
- Omelete (1 egg + 1/4 c whites) w/1 T salsa, 1/4 c black beans, <1 T plain greek yogurt

- Broccoli slaw+3oz chicken breast+half avocado+peanuts+Trader Joe's Spicy Peanut Asian Vinaigrette Dressing (YUM!)
- Spinach Salad w/3-4 oz chicken breast, 1/2 bell pepper, 1/4 c feta, 2 T Balsamic Vinaigrette
- 3-4oz chicken breast (or other lean protein, steak or fish) and some kind of steamed veggie (I like the Birds Eye steamer bags...quick and easy. They all taste good!)
- Stir Fry (beef or chicken)

- *Fave* 1/2 c cottage cheese + 75g pineapple (yes, I bought a food scale and I am weighing everything meticulously!)
- Cookie dough Quest bar (omg yum...this is as close to 'sweets' as I get now)
- Edamame (again, the BirdsEye steamer bag... I eat the whole bag)
- Hard boiled eggs
- Almonds + Whey Protein (post workout meal if I don't have time for a real meal, like when I go straight to work from gym)
- Baby carrots (3oz) + 1oz garlic hummus

- MNS Max 3 (once cleanse phase over) - 30 min before Meal 1, with Meal 1, and 30 min before Meal 2
- Catalyst (3) + ThermoPlus 30 min before each meal
- Catalyst (3) before workouts and at bedtime
**Catalyst is one of my FAVORITES because I feel awesome during my workouts when I take it, compared to not, and it helps preserve my muscle while my calories are reduced!
- Nighttime Recovery
- Spark, or course!

- Cardio:
            - O2 Gold - 1 hour before (awesome for oxygen uptake levels!!)
            - Arginine Extreme - 30 min before
            - Rehydrate - before/during
            - Catalyst - right before

- Lifting: 
             - Muscle Strength - 1 hour before
             - Either Muscle Fuel or BioCharge (haven't tried yet!) 30 min before
             - Catalyst - right before

- HumaPro (not Advocare) if eating a meal soon after
- or Post Workout Recovery shake
- Add carb snack if not eating soon after (within 1 hour)

Also plan to add Muscle Gain (protein blend) but have not tried yet.
Possibly the Probiotic also depending on my digestion post-challenge.

Sounds like a lot. But this is awesome stuff. And it sure does taste better at a 40% discount!!  (And I'm making extra money... Win-win-win!)

Anyways, I'm going to post my workouts in a separate post. This one is long enough, and I need to study BodyAttack for a bit. 

Some people have told me that they've had trouble with not being able to subscribe to my blog. I don't know if you have to have a google account, maybe?  But I'll continue to share the link on FB just in case.  If you don't like it, stop reading.  ;)  Toodles!

P.S.  Oh, and if you would like to join in the 24-Day challenge with me, it is on special discount pricing until January 21st!!  Or even just try some Spark!  Big thanks to Jen for setting up our new website!  or original site is

Questions?  Hit me up on FB or email me

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Finally! It's time.

It seriously was like a switch in my brain when that clock struck midnight on New Year's.  I've said it a million times, but this just reiterated to me that my "issue" with food is 100% mental, and is a total addiction.  It is so much easier for me to take away the option all-together and just be like "I can't, I'm not eating that anymore" than to "just have a little."  All or nothing.  

When I quit smoking over four years ago (cold turkey on November 17th 2009), I realized eventually that I ended up replacing my smoking addiction with sweets.  Although I've always loved sweets my entire life, I didn't used to allow myself to eat them to excess on a regular basis like I have been the last few years.  I smoked instead.  After meals. While driving. On breaks at work. At night. On the phone. When I was bored. When I was stressed. When I "just wanted to".  All the times now that I'm "seeking out" sweets, I would have gone and smoked years ago.  I am thankful that I quit smoking, but it has definitely led to a good 15+ lb weight gain (yes, even with as much as I work out).

I'm ready to be done with it. I'm ready to be in control of my body and my mind. Maybe that's why I was led to doing this competition (Thanks Emily!). To give me the motivation I needed to let go of the crap!  To finally get where I want to be - not just physically, but and mentally and emotionally. 

My eating plan is in effect and you can view food log on (lesliehylton81 is my MFP name).  

I am going to be posting my weight daily. Today was 162.2.  Yes, I've done some major damage over the last few weeks.  I was at 150 lbs, what, a month ago?! I am sure quite a bit of that is excess water weight, which will drop off over the new few days.  Even after just a couple hours I'd dropped to 161.2.  (FYI...If you do want to follow my blog posts daily, then click "Subscribe To" or bookmark me, because I will not be posting the link daily on FB.  I will for my regular bodyfat check-ins though.)

My Advocare 24-day Challenge shipment should be arriving tomorrow!  On the day we start the challenge (me, Steve, and several of our friends are doing the challenge together!) I'll check-in with body-fat% and measurements and will be checking-in every 6 days, with progress pics as well.  

If you would like to join us in the challenge, get your challenge pack here.  If you live in the Indy area, we are offering free body-fat analysis before and after the challenge!

I'm super-pumped about the new lifting routine I'm doing!  I decided (after more research and reading a great book) to go back to heavier weight and lower reps.  Instead of doing total-body workouts that take me sometimes close to 2 hours to complete, I've gone to a 4-day split routine, hitting two muscle groups at a time, and performing 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps, starting at 8 and working my way to 12, before increasing my weight (aka "Progressive Overload").  I have been so sore the last week ... I know it's working and I LOVE IT!!  And I can be done in less than an hour!  (I'll try to post my workouts tomorrow night.)  Gosta study BodyPump now...

Looking forward to later today, starting to turn my garage "beer fridge" into my "meal-prep fridge"!  (And hopefully seeing a few more pounds drop off that scale too!)