Friday, January 31, 2014

10 weeks out! Refeeds (yay!), 1st posing session! And new short-term goal!

Almost down to single-digits!!  10 weeks from this Saturday!  That's still plenty of time, I know ... but I still feel like I have such a loooong way to go!  Maybe because this winter SUCKS and April seems so far away temperature-wise!  Anywho....

Getting excited now that I'm learning all the mandatory poses. First session with miss Abby Fox was Tuesday.  I knew most of the poses, now it's just a matter or perfecting them and practice, practice, practice!  I'm super excited to have Laura Wilson helping me create my routine also!  Yeah, I have to do a 60-second routine set to music, that contains the five mandatory poses.  It'll be fun! nerve-wracking, but fun!  So the song that I have selected is Fall Out Boy's "My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark."  What do you think? Hopefully everyone doesn't have the same about eight different people using the song "Sail" at the Louisville show!  Now Steve and I text Emily every single time we hear that song on the radio.  And every time she calls me Bitch!  Haha

Here are a couple poses from my session...I'm not showing the others because they are not very...flattering. Still practicing! 

As I already posted, my results from the 24-day challenge were very pleasing!  Down a total of 16 lbs from Jan 1 (@ 12 on the challenge). 

BF% GOALWeeks Til ShowDateWeightBodyFat%% Change from last Lbs FatLBMChest ArmsHipsWaistThighCalves

I have hovered between 146 & 148 for the last few days, so I've decided to switch things up to try and speed up my progress.  I've been eating in a pretty severe deficit (in relation to my maintenance level, which is around 2300 calories), so I need to rev up my metabolism a bit. So, I am starting to incorporate "refeeds" in every 3-4 days, aka "carb-cycling". 

When you eat too little for too long, your metabolism will start to decrease (hear that, women?!) which makes it even harder to lose fat...your body thinks it is starving and will cling to any little fat it can.  So by increasing the calories to maintenance level (to figure yours, google "tdee calculator" ... that's Total Daily Energy Expediture, which is how many calories you burn daily, including activity/exercise...not to be confused with BMR (basic metabolic rate), which is how much your body burns just to keep you alive...if you laid on the couch all day and didn't move. 

Anyways... Yesterday (well, from 7am yesterday morning until my last meal which was at 3:30am this morning...I'll start "today"'s eating this afternoon at 1pm) was my first refeed day.  I had been at 1600-1700 calories, some days lower, some higher.  Today, though, I consumed over 2100 calories, and yes I did enjoy it!  Definitely not used to eating that much anymore tho.

Now I'll continue at a 1500 daily caloric goal, and in 3-4 days, I'll have another higher calorie/carb day.  I'm considering not even getting on the scale for a week, as to not get discouraged if I see an initial gain.  I can usually tell by how my body looks and feels if I'm up or down though.  I also revamped my eating plan and am eliminating some of the meals I've been eating consistently. I will miss my Chicken Broccoli Slaw, my feta cheese, and oh, my cottage cheese and pineapple... well I will definitely add that in on refeed day tho!  And thank goodness for my cookie dough Quest bars!  Probably going to have to steer clear of the steak (pun intended) and stick mostly with chicken breast, turna and egg whites for my protein. 

I've run out of Catalyst, and hoping my order arrives on Saturday. I can definitely tell a difference without it!  And out of Spark too...geez!

I'll update in a few days once I know if the refeeds are doing the trick! 

Here are a few more 11-week progress pics.  Pretty happy with my ab definition coming thru.  I've seen a lot of assymetrical abs out there!

Oh!  Almost forgot...  I get to be a model! Kinda.  A guy I work with (and his fiancee ... no worries) is creating an advertising campain for a new side to their photography business, "Tasteful Boudoir"!  And asked me to do a photo shoot!  Set for Feb 15th.  I've never done anything like this before, but I'm sure it'll be neat.  But I need help with ideas ... locations and what to wear!  No clue... I may need help with hair and makeup too! 

But if nothing else... I have a new short-term goal to work towards!!  Wish me luck!!!

Stay warm out there!!

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