Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Lowered calories and carbs (After drinks & cheat day w/girls)

First off, it seems as though my last blog post caused a lot of pain to many ... in an AWESOME way!  Several people contacted me to let me know that they tried my abs workout that I posted last time, and many commented on the fact that they could not laugh, sneeze, or cough without crying!

You're welcome!
Love that!

Ok, so I think I must have been trying to kill myself Saturday...

Saturday 12/7

8am HIIT
9am BodyPump
10am BodyCombat
4:15pm BodyPump
5:15pm BodyAttack

I actually felt really good though!  I did treat myself to a big juicy hamburger (made with Laura's lean beef, but on a white bun) with half an avocado ... yum yum! Went to Scotty's Brewhouse with my chica's Saturday night for some drinks and girl chat.  This "cheat" was not planned, but was necessary.  More than a few drinks, but the good news is that the cookie sundae I ordered (which I would have enjoyed during, but regretted afterwards), the bartender forgot to put the order in, thank God! So we got free drinks instead (even better)!  I'll have to get the picture from Jess of me liking the chocolate off the bottom of my martini glass (and the caramel out of Emily's).  It was worth it...I had a blast..

Just a note.  No, i do not bother trying to log my cheat days on MFP.  Not because I don't want you to know what I ate/drank (because I'm telling you on my blog...duh), but just because if I have a cheat day (less often now, and usually scheduled...and disappearing in January) then it's because i want to ENJOY MYSELF, and not worry about having to keep track of every morsel I devour.  And enjoy I did!

Sunday 12/8
10:30am BodyCombat (I talked Steve into teaching BodyPump for drinks, remember?)
11:30am CXWorx

I hosted an "It Works" party Sunday evening and this was a true cheat day!  Wine, brownies, pudding dessert, cookies ... good thing that crazy wrap thing sucked some of those toxins out of my fat cells!  And the Greens we drank got a few out otherwise too...whew! 

Luckily my workouts apparently somewhat balanced out some of the junk... I didn't gain poundage, but was definitely bloated after the weekend.  Sunday night is when I decided that I need to lower my carbs.  I know that closer to show I'll have to start dramatically reducing carbs, which scares me because of my Les Mills classes.  My teaching is more about performance rather than about my own fat-loss, so I feel that since reducing carbs=reducing energy ... so I may have to get creative.  But I do beleive I can go lower than I have been and be ok.  I've been still eating bread, etc, and my overall daily carbs have been 150-200g. So my thinking is, if I can reduce my carbs, but still keep my overall calories at a sufficient amount, I should be good. Especially since I'm adding in my Advocare performance supplements soon also!  So I'm going to try staying under 100g of carbs and see how I feel. See how I progress.  Adjust as necessary.  

New calorie goal = < 1600 calories
                           Protein: 180g (45%)
                           Carb: 100g (25%)
                           Fat: 53g  (30%)

(Sample meal plan on Sunday 12/8 of MyFitnessPal food log.)

Monday 12/9
7:30am BodyAttack ... what a way to start the week!  And post-cheat-day!

I really, REALLY wanted to lift today, but ran out of time (cleaning house, grocery store, doc appt downtown, get ready for work).  I did take a 2-hour nap, but I needed some more sleep before my 12-hour shift from I figured my body could use a rest for a day.  (Yes I did BodyAttack, but still more than a days rest from 8:30am to 3pm Tuesday.)

Calories: 1405*
Protein: 174g / 46%
Carbs:  92g / 24%
Fat: 51g / 30%

*Even though I hit my macros almost exactly on target, my overall calories are under 1600 because of my HumaPro protein. 1 serving contains 25g protein but zero calories.  Two servings = 50 g protein... protein has 4 calories per gram, so 50x4=200 calories. So I ate 1400 calories instead of 1600 to hit the same macros!  Awesome? Yes.  Worth $60 per container?  I hope so...

Tuesday 12/10 

Lift @ Monon Center - 4x20's

Note:  It is still KILLING ME to decrease my weights!  I just love lifting heavy, and have been continuing to increase my weight and my strength, but am now being told that I need to increase my reps to start leaning out, and that I will lose strength in the process.  

But, on the plus side... it will help me get SHREDDED!!


When I got to the Monon today, I first went into the sauna.  Not only is it cold outside, but I like to sit in there to work up a sweat and get my muscles warm, and I use that time (10-15 min) to write down my workout, so I do go onto the floor with a plan.  I may alter some things here or there, but generally I stick with what I initially put down.  I don't get to lift much this week, so I did total body... goal was to get two exercises per muscle group. I did have to cut out a set out of the last few exercises.  And I did throw in Deadlifts... because I love deadlifts. 

And I must say, when I started, after the first set of Smith-machine squats...even though I couldn't wait to lift today... I was tired.  I had fasted since 1am (I'll tell you about that in a minute) until 1 woke up at 2pm, so 13 hours with no food, and only a Quest bar for pre-workout. And I had just woken up!  But yeah, I was tired.  

I had just done my first set, warm-up of 105-lb squats, and then Corey came over to say hi (he is my Advocare advisor/mentor).  When he offered me some Catalyst I wanted to jump up and down!  And then when I realized I had ONE more packet of Spark that I had left in my bag too, I'm like, oh it's on today! I've been out of Spark for a couple days (I thought) ... I can't wait to place my first actual order when I get paid on Friday!  (You can check out all the Advocare products on my website here. I WILL be doing the 24-Day Challenge soon. I haven't decided yet if I'm waiting until Jan 1 or not....)

That's twice Corey has supplied me with Catalyst at the Monon... and it cracks me up because I know the exchange has to look like a drug deal! LOL  Regardless, within 15 minutes in I'd forgotten all about being tired... actually ended up making myself leave at 4:45, 2 hours later, because I had to get home to the kiddos.  And then I still went home and did abs and butt!

I'm still trying to determine my weight selection for 4x20's. I'm still too heavy on some stuff and having to decrease after a set or two.

Smith Squats (105lb warmup 1x10) - 145lb - 1x20
                                                    135lb - 3x20
Cable Flyes - 20lb - 4x20
Single Ham Curl - 20lb - 1x20
                         15lb - 1x20
                         12.5lb - 1x20
                         10lb - 1x20 (hold at top 10 counts last rep ea side)
Lat Pulldown - 45lb - 4x20
Seated Calf - 60lb - 4x20
Alt. Front/Side DB Raise - 10lb - 4x20 (10ea)
Leg Extension - 65 - 1x20
                      55 - 1x20
                      50 - 2x20 ( 5 reps w/triple pulse at top)
Seated Chest Press (machine) - 50lb - 4x20  (I much prefer BB on flat bench)
Lying ham curl - 45lb - 3x20
Cable Seated Row - 60lb - 1x20
                            50lb - 2x20

Add-ins (not in order):

Deadlift - 135lb - 1x12
                         2x10 ... need my hooks, grip strength gone to crap. But really I need to lower my weight :(
Back Extension - 25lb - 3x15
Rear Delt Machine - 40 - 1x20
                            35 - 1x20

At home:

Regular Abs workout (2 sets ea.) 

115-lb weighted hip bridge - 3x20 (hold ten counts at top last rep of each set)

Calories: 1,108
Protein: 126g (37%)
Carbs: 80g (23%)
Fat: 60g (40%)

Oh yeah ... so I fasted from 1am yesterday morning until 2pm when I woke up.  The hospital is working on glossing the floors or whatever...and I didn't get the memo to get my food out of the break room fridge until it was too late!  We were banned from the area the rest of the morning.  One of the nurses did make a 2am McDonalds run, and I was going to get a high-protein, healthy(ish) salad, but apparently they only serve their unhealthy, non-meat products in the middle of the night, so I opted for black coffee and decided to just do a 12-hour fast instead.  Haven't done one in a while. I could have eated when I got home at 7am, but I was fine and figured I'd take advantage of the opportunity. And I was tired as crap.  So I drank my zero-calorie protein and went to bed.  (I've done Intermittent Fasting since last December, so it was fine.)

Ok, it's 3:30am and I'm starting to ramble.  

Oh wait, one more ramble...

When I got to work last night, I had my gallon of water with me. I try to drink the whole gallon during my shift.  One of the girls at work asked me if I was going to drink all that.  I said well yeah, that's the goal anyways.  "How do you do it? I just can't drink that much regular water. I have to put Mio or something in it."  And without thinking or hesitating, I replied that I've learned to just do things that I don't necessarily "enjoy", but know I need to do. grown up of me.  I guess maybe I am getting there! ;)

Over and out.  Night all!

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