Friday, December 20, 2013

Who was I kidding? ... It's holiday season! Plus pics! (Sorry Chrissy!)

I was doing pretty good ... I think it was giving in to drinks and desserts Tuesday night that started it ... then Christmas cookies, and candy ... It's all in my head. I need to quit working at jobs that have food everywhere all the time!  Really though, it's just knowing that after Dec 31st it's all gone for 3-and-a-half months ... this 24-Day Challenge cannot come soon enough! I'll still be checking in weekly, so like I said, I don't plan on going totally nutso with junk!

But you know what though, I don't have a TON of weight to lose and 15 weeks is a sufficient amount of time to reach my goal.  I'm not going to to CRAZY and undo the progress I've made/am making until the 1st, but I am going to enjoy the holidays, and my Christmas with the family this weekend, and my time with friends this week (girls night Thursday, although it's bittersweet as it's my friend Heather's going away!), and my New Years!  

Btw, 2014 is going to be AMAZEBALLS (as Erika would say)!  Steve's new job and extra income, not to mention the extra income from Advocare too!  Kaleb is on the upward swing with the meds change and the new school!  New schedule with the kiddos/my job so I can have my work weekends off with the whole family!  Getting ready to refinance my house so it's officially ours!  Hopefully pay my car off this year!  And of course, my new body transformation!!!   Oh my gosh, this is the first time I've thought of this all at the same time.  I really can't wait to get this new year started!!!!!   

I did log my food up until Monday I think, and it's on MFP, but I'm not going to bother logging right now.  I will be keeping track of what I eat on paper, but not logging online for now. I'm reading a really good book right now, and between the info from that book, and from the sample meal plans I have from some previous show competitors, I'm working on creating my meal plan for January.  I do think it will be achievable!!  I just have to get more organized with my meal-and supplement planning!

Ok, so back up to last Friday. I love to meet my friend Emily for lunch on Fridays, so we tried out a new place, Upland Taphouse.  Really good food, but need more dessert choices. ;)  Check out my sandwich tho... as if they tenderloin slab isn't impressive enough, it also had BBQ pulled pork and bacon on it!

While we're on pics...let's do those first and then I'll go back and fill in my workouts!   

Ok, so on Monday my friends Chrissy and Jess came over to lift at home with me.  So Chrissy, although she is one of the most gorgeous people on this planet, I believe, she is not one of the tallest.  We did tricep dips with a 30-lb sandbag on our lap, but between her slick pants and shorter legs, she was having difficulty keeping it up on her lap, so I told her to squeeze it between her thighs for an inner-thigh workout.  I was TOTALLY joking, but next thing I know, here she is...

Freaking hiLARious!  I was rolling.

Tried taking some progress pics of my shoulders/back.  Can def see more definition, but my crap-eating has left me bloated all over, maybe shouldn't take selfies on a rest day either!  But here you go anyways. 

I got our first shipment from Advocare today!!!!  It was like early Christmas!  All I took today was my "MNS Max 3" vitamin pack, a ThermoPlus (since it was rest day), and a Spark.  Can't wait to start tomorrow (today technically) with my full regimen!!  Yay Catalyst!!!! Can't wait to try the other ones that I haven't used yet!

So many more products I still want for next order too...and the 24-day challenge too of course!  

(If you are interested in doing the challenge with me, email me at  You can check out more info, and all the products on my website here. )

Ok, on to workouts!  (And calories/macros for the days I already logged)

Wednesday 12/11
4:30pm BodyAttack

Calories: 1509
Protein: 201g
Carbs: 131g
Fat: 54g

Thursday 12/12 
4:30pm HIIT
5:30pm BodyAttack
6:30pm BodyPump

Calories: 1478
Protein: 157
Carbs: 139
Fat: 54

Friday 12/13 
9:30am BodyPump
5:30pm BodyCombat
6:30pm CXWorx

(This was tenderloin day... calories unknown)

Saturday 12/14 
Practice new BodyCombat at home (lower intensity)
Lift at home - 10 x 10's: (first time doing 10x10's...still figuring out weight selection)

Squats - 120lb - 10x10 (need to go up)
Flat bench chest press - 50lb - 10x10 (go up)
Deadlift - 100lb - 10x10
Bentover BB Row - 55lb - 10x10
Calf raise - 15lb kettlebell - 10x10 (go up)
Alternating side-to-front raises - 10lb - 10x5 ea.

Abs - Only time for The Triple + Russian twist (1 set)

Calories: 1371
Protein: 175
Carbs: 112
Fat: 55

Sunday 12/15
 Lift at home - 10x10's

Lunges - 80lb BB - Forward-stepping 5x10 ea. leg, Static 5x10 ea. leg
Seated Incline bench DB Press - 15lb - 5x10 / Flyes - 5x10
Good Mornings - 45lb bar - 10x10
Bentover DB Flyes - 10lb - 10x10
Weighted Hip Bridge - 115lb - 10x10 (OUCH!!!)
BB O/H Press - 50lb - 10x10

Abs - Normal routine x2 sets  (see previous post here for ab workout details)

Calories: 1468 (til 5am Mon)
Protein: 202
Carbs: 100
Fat: 60

*This was Check-in day (last post)

Monday 12/16
(Started adding in extra cardio + sprint intervals)

35 minute LISS (low-intensity steady-state) arc trainer
10 minutes HIIT (high-intensity interval training) arc trainer - Two 4-minute Tabata sets (with 1 min rest in between, 1 min cool-down)
**Burned 626 calories in 45 min!**

Lift at home with Chrissy & Jess - all are 3x20's 

BB Squats - 135lb
DB Row - 22.5's
Decline pushups - feet on bench

Deadlift - 105 lb?
Alt Front/Side Raise - 10lb
Tricep Dips - 30lb sandbag (still laughing)

Good Mornings - 45-lb BB
Arnold Press - 12's
?? Cannot for the life of me remember the 3rd exercise

Abs - Normal routine, 2 rounds 

Calories: 1701
Protein: 183
Carbs: 149
Fat: 61

Tuesday 12/17 
10:30am Lift w/Steve @ Monon - Upper body 3x20's

Flat bench Chest Press - 65lb - 3x20
Pull-Ups (overhand) - 14 (76lb) - 1x20 // 15 (82lb) - 2x20 
Upright Row - 45lb - 3x20
Cable Chest Fly (single-arm, upper chest) - 25 - 3x20 ea
Seated Cable Row - 60 - 3x20
Rear Delt Fly (Cable, single arm) - 20 - 3x20 ea

1:30pm @ Monon

35 min LISS Arc trainer
10 min HIIT Arc trainer (2 Tabata sets w/1 min rest between sets, 1 min cool-down)

5:30pm - BodyPump 

Wednesday 12/18
Lift @ Monon - LEGS - 3x15  (I had to go heavier today... I just needed to)
Smith Squats - 145 - 3x15
Single-leg ham curl - 20 - 3x15
Leg Press - 300 - 3x15 
Deadlift - 125 - 3x15
Seated Calf - 70 - 3x15
Leg Extension - 65 - 3x15
Lying Ham - 50 - 3x15
Glute Kickbacks - 100 - 3x15
Adductor/Abductor - 75 - 3x15

4:30pm BodyAttack (*yes, I did Legs on Attack day... whoops)

Thursday 12/19 
REST DAY (what?!)  

I know...sometimes there aren't enough hours in the day.  I am planning on working one rest day a week into my new schedule though. I know I need it. It'll be good to have a low low carb day too, or maybe even a 24-hour fast here and there.  We'll see...

Ok, long enough.  Two more hours til bedtime!  


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