Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Day 1 (of 153) - The journey begins!!

The acCOUNTability ... and countdown (get it?) begins!  5 months to my very first competition.  A month ago I didn't even know the difference between Figure and Physique, and now here I am committed to competing in the Indianapolis NPC show on
April 12th, 2014!  My friend Emily just did her first show (Figure) in Louisville, and suggested, because of my muscularity, that I should do Physique in April.  She is doing Figure again, and I also have a couple other friends, Jen & Sandy, who are also doing Figure in March, and Jen is also doing this April show as well, so I'm not alone!  

Honestly, I didn't know anything about the different divisions, etc, but after doing some research, I figured, you know what... why the hell not!  I've never really had a specific goal for myself, fitness-wise...or maybe even otherwise, but I do want to get rid of this extra fat I've been carrying. Even if I suck at posing, etc, whether I place or not ... oh well!  The last few years have been a never-ending cycle of "being good" and eating like CRAP (I'm a total junk-food junkie....Oh yeah, btw if you want to know a little more about me, check out my past blog here ).  I've been hovering up and down between 145 and 155 (between 18-19% bodyfat).  

I teach Les Mills group fitness classes (BodyPump, BodyCombat, BodyAttack, & CXWorx), between 8-10 classes a week, and I have been doing heavy lifting (mostly compound stuff, anything from 6-8 reps to 12-12 reps, usually 3 sets) at home in our home gym (aka "Sunroom Sweatshop) for the past, I don't know, 6 months or more.  I love love LOVE working out and fitness in general.  I would really REALLY love to know what my body looks like underneath this layer or fat!

For those of you who know me personally, let me defend that last statement before I hear all the "Oh but you look great!" "No way you have that much to lose." comments.  I've heard them already... and thank you, but in my defense, it's just simple math:  I am currently between 150-153 ...lets just go high.  153 pounds and 19% body fat (Steve checks my bodyfat w/calipers and does my measurements once a month, but going forward I'll be checking in every other week).  So if you do the math, that puts me at 29 pounds of fat, and 124 pounds of lean body mass.  My goal for show is 135 pounds and @ 7% body fat (that is about 10 pounds of fat and 125 pounds lean body mass).  So, I have probably between 15-19 pounds of fat to lose...give or take for water weight, etc.  If I gain some extra muscle and am over the 135 pounds, etc...whatever.  It just gives me an ideal goal to work towards.  I have about 22 weeks to get there, and losing at the rate of 1 pound a week (safely and in attempt to keep all of my current-if not gain some-muscle), and also figuring in the two biggest holidays coming up (I will enjoy myself, but not over-indulge and ruin progress!), I think my goal is completely attainable and realistic.  

I am not hiring a "coach", but I do have some go-to people for advise and help with nutrition and training, and posing even.  And for heaven's sakes, I'm (practically) married to a personal trainer! 

Anyways ... today (technically yesterday, since it's past midnight...I work third shift) was day 1.  We had to celebrate Emily's 1st show with pizza and cookies on Sunday night (and wine), so we agreed to  GET ON IT starting Monday morning!  

So here's my nutrition plan.  I will tweak as I go, depending on my progress.  I'm all for constructive advice, but please be kind.  I've seen a lot of unnecessary cruelty in the fitness world on Facebook, blogs, forums etc.  Criticism=fine. Meanness=just don't even go there.  

My nutrition plan guidelines:

- 1400 (rest day) to 2000 (training day) calories per day (see below)
- Eat several (8-10) smaller meals/snacks throughout the day
- High Protein (1 to 1.5 g per lb of body weight (150-225) … Aim for 35-40%) 
- Higher calories/carbs on Training days, eating majority of carbs early morning and around workout times
According to John Romaniello re: Recomposition:

To determine current maintenance calories:
Energy Needs

Current Body Fat %
Caloric Intake
17 Calories per pound of LBM
16 Calories per pound of LBM
15 Calories per pound of LBM
14 Calories per pound of LBM
22.1% or above
13 Calories per pound of LBM

Current: Bodyweight = 153, Bodyfat=19%-à 124lbs LBM
124 x 15 = 1,860 calories maintenance
Non-Workout  days: Reduce by 500 calories (1,360)
Workout Days: Increase by 100 calories (1,960)

Determining Macros:

Non Workout Days (1,360 calories):
Protein = 1.35g per lb of desired LBM (125) = 168.75 g (675 calories)
Carbs = ½ of LBM = 62.5 g (250 calories)
Fat = Remainder of calories = 48.3 g (435 calories) 

Workout Days (1,960 calories):
Protein = 1.5g per lb of desired LBM (125) = 187.5 g (750 calories)
Carbs = 1g per lb LBM = 125 g (500 calories)
Fat = Remainder of Calories = 78.8 g (710 calories)


As for my training plan, that is a work in progress. But in a nutshell, in addition to my classes that I teach (BodyPump 2-3x/wk, BodyCombat 2-3x/wk, BodyAttack 1-2x/wk , CXWorx 1x/wk, plus any subbing opportunities that come up) I am shooting for 4-days/wk heavy lifting (combo of 6-8 or 8-10 reps compound, and 15-20 reps compound and isolation...still working with Steve on a more concrete plan).  I currently only work out at home (aside from classes) but am going to join the Monon Center so I have access to the machines (and sauna!!) because I will need them. Additionally, I will do easier lifting sessions a couple mornings a week.  After I get off work at 7am after working 12 hours, and take my son to school, I really don't want to go too heavy and am ready for sleep, but also don't want to pass up an opportunity to get in a quickie workout (biceps/triceps, or abs/butt).  Throw in 1-2 HIIT  workouts (3x Tabata sets) and maybe a BodyJam workout ...

I figure since I'm logging everything (food and workouts), I may as well post them.  Accountability has always been key for me, so ... here we go!!!

Monday November 11th:
(I'm only going to give totals and macros, but follow me - lesliehylton81 - on MyFitnessPal if you want to see my entire food log) :

Total Calories: 1,773

Protein: 173g (38%)
Carbs: 152g (33%)
Fat: 60g (29%)

I left my notebook at home, so I will post my workout tomorrow (technically later today, but whatevs).

Oh! And here's a "starting" photo from just a couple days ago (when I broke my PR for deadlift at 205 lbs!!) ...

Sorry, I don't know why it's sideways or how to fix it, but there ya go! 

Looking forward to sharing my journey with you!


  1. Leslie-
    You are amazing and you will totally rock this! You look awesome now and I can only imagine how incredible you will look and more importantly, feel, when you reach your goals.

  2. Good luck!! I will be excited to see your progress :)
