Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Workouts from 10/28 thru today + 11/1 Measurements + Today's nutrition

I'll start w/today's food actually.  I pre-plan what I'm going to eat for the day so I know I meet my goal calories & macros, and adust if necessary if something changes... this includes what I have eaten and plan to eat up until 7am tomorrow morning (3rd shift):

Calories: 1,896

Protein: 168g (36%)
Carb: 129g (27%)
Fat: 78g (37%)

Again, for the full log, add me on MFP (lesliehylton81).

Ok, so here are my workouts from 10/28 thru today. I started off doing heavier (8-10 reps) but ended up going lower weight and heigher reps (20)... my training plan is still a work-in-progress, but I plan on doing both heavy compound and lower rep stuff too, especially isolated stuff.  I did join the Monon Center today also so now I can do machine-work too!  I used to hate working with machines, mainly because I felt like I wandered around not really knowing what I was doing... but I'm really excited for the variety of workouts I plan to do. I have quite a bit more experience now than the last time I had an actual gym membership! Anyways... here ya go. 

Monday 10/28: Chest + Abs

Incline DB Press - 22.5 lb - 3x10
Decline Pushups - 3x10
Incline Bench Flyes - 15lb - 3x10
Standing Forward Press (tube) - 3x10
Suspended Pushups - 3x10
Standing 1-Arm Flyes (Tube) - 3x10 ea arm
BB Bench Press - 75lb - 3x10

Hanging Knee Lift - 3x10
Ab Wheel Rollouts - 3x10
Hanging Oblique Knee Lifts - 3x10 (5 ea side)
Lying Flat Bench Hip/Leg Lifts - 3x10
Oblique Side-Bends - 40lb kettlebell - 3x10 ea side
The Triple (14lb med ball:Extension C-Crunch+Weighted Crunch [knees up]+Leg Drops) - 3x10

Tuesday 10/29 (8am): Quads + Calves + Abs & Butt

BB Squat (mid/wide) - 165lb - 3x10
BB Lunges (static) - 115lb - 3x10
Front Squat (narrow/mid) - 40lb sandbag - 3x10
Plyometric Lunges - 3x10 ea side
Alternating Step-ups (bench) - 3x10 ea leg

Standing Calf Raise - 40lb KB - 3x10
Seated Calf Raise - 115lb - 3x10

Med Ball Crunch - 14lb - 50x
Med Call C-Crunch - 14lb - 25x
Oblique Bicycle Crunch - 25x ea side

Weighted Hip Bridge - 115lb BB - 3x10

5:30pm BodyPump

Wednesday 10/30
4:30pm BodyAttack

Thursday 10/31 12:30:  Back/Lats + Bicep/Tricep

Assisted Pull-ups (tube) - 3x8
Bent-Over Rows - 95lb BB - 3x8
HyperExtension (stability ball) - 3x10
Inverted Row - 3x10 (1 underhand grip, 2 o/h)
Good Mornings + Bent-over Wide Rows - 45lb bar - 3x10 ea (SS)
Alternating Renegade Plank Rows - 15lb DB - 3x10
DB Bent-over Wide Rows - 22.5lb - 3x10
Single-arm Bent-over Row w/bench - 22.5lb - 3x10 ea

Concentration Curls - 22.5lb - 1x10
Close-grip BB Press + Skill Crushers - 45lb BB (SS)
DB Hammer Curl - 15lb - 1x10
Bench Dips - 1x20
1-arm DB Curl w/Incline Bench - 15 - 1x10
Body-Ups - 1x10

+ some abs

Friday 11/1
9:30am BodyPump
10:30am BodyAttack
5:30pm BodyCombat

Saturday 11/2
9:00am BodyPump
10:00am BodyCombat

Sunday 11/3 (3:30pm) - Shoulders & Hams

BB O/H Press - 65lb - 3x10
KB DLSHP - 40lb - 3x15
DB Squat Thruster - 15lb - 3x20
Alternating DB Side Lat to Front Raise - 10lb - 3x10 ea
Clean & Press - 75lb - 1x10
DB Rear Delt Row - 15lb - 3x15
Arnold Press - 15lb - 3x10
DB Reverse Flyes - 12lb - 3x10

BB Stiff-legged Deadlift - 160lb - 2x10
One-arm KB Swings - 15lb - 3x20 (10 ea arm)
Romanian DL - 120lb - 3x10
Ball Ham Leg Curl + 20-second ball thigh squeeze (ouch!) - 3x10
BB Good Mornings - 45lb bar - 3x10
KB One-Legged Deadlift - 40lb - 3x10

Standing Calf Raise - 40lb KB - 3x10

Monday 11/4
3 Tabata sets + BodyJam

Tuesday 11/5 - Chest/Back/Calves/Butt/Abs  (*started higher reps)

Incline DB Chest Press - 22.5lb - 3x20
Standing 1-arm Flyes (tube) - 3x20 ea arm
Decline pushups - 3x20
BB Chest Press - 60lb - 3x20

BB Wide-Row (o/h grip) - 60lb - 3x20
Hyperextension (ball) - 3x25
Single Arm DB Row - 32.5lb - 3x15 ea arm
Assisted Pull-ups (tube) - 4x5
Bentover DB Row (narrow) - 15lb - 3x20
Bentover DB Flyes - 10lb - 3x20

Standing Calf Raise - 40lb KB - 3x20
Seated - 110lb - 3x20
Weighted Hip Bridge - 110lb - 3x20 (ouch!)
+ Abs (didn't log)

5:30pm BodyPump

Wednesday 11/6
4:30pm BodyAttack

Thursday 11/7
Very little time - I didn't log, but I did Heavy Squats & Lunges, 3 heavy sets of 20 reps, I think.

Friday 11/8 3:30pm - Upper Body

Incline DB Chest Press - 22.5lb - 3x20
Bentover KB Rows - 40lb - 3x10 ea arm
KB SDLHP - 40lb - 3x20

Incline DB Flyes - 15lb - 3x20
Bentover DB Flyes - 12lb - 3x20
Alternating DB Side Lat to Front Raise - 10lb - 3x10 ea

Flat Bench BB Press - 65lb - 3x20
BB Bentover Row (u/h grip) - 65lb - 3x20
BB Overhead Press - 65lb - 3x12

Just for fun... 205lb Deadlift! (x2)  Wanted to try out my lifting hooks!

+ Abs

Saturday 11/9
9:00am BodyPump
10:00am BodyCombat

Emily's show!!!

Sunday 11/10
9:30am BodyPump
10:30am BodyCombat
11:30am CXWorx

Monday 11/11 - Total Body (KB/DB only)

KB Swings - 40lb - 3x20
KB SDLHP - 40lb - 3x20
Bentover DB Row - 32.5lb 1x20 / 22.5lb 2x20 (wanted range of motion & better form over heavier weight)
Goblet Squat - 40lb KB - 3x20
Standing Calf Raise - 40lb KB - 3x20
Incline DB Chest Press - 32.5lb 1x15 / 22.5lb 2x20

(Completed as a circuit, one set of each exercise, repeat circuit 3x)

Ham ball curl (1x20, 2x10) + Ball inner-thigh squeeze - 3x20 sec (alternating the two exercises)

Hip Bridge - 125lb BB - 3x20/15/10 (hold last one 10 sec)
Hanging Knee Raise - 3x10
Oblique Side Bends - 40lb KB - 1x50 (25 ea side)
The Triple (See above) - 1x20/15/10
Ankle Strap Heel Kickups - 3x10 ea leg

Tuesday 11/12 - 8:30am - Easy Lift: Biceps/Triceps

Concentration Bicep Curls - 22.5lb - 3x10 ea arm
Tricep Kickbacks - 15lb DB - 3x15 ea arm
Inner Bicep Curl (seated) - 15lb DB - 3x20
Tricep Bench Dips - 3x20
Hammer Curl - 15lb DB - 1x20

5pm (before BodyPump @ gym)
Tricep Rope Pull-down - 50lb - 3x20
Cable Machine Bicep Curl - 15lb - 3x20
Some assisted chinups

5:30pm BodyPump

Measurements 11/1
Chest     12    12    11 
Abs        14    16    14
Thigh      20    20    20
Tricep     18    18    18
Subscap   9      8     9
Illiac        10     9    10
Midax       11    10   10

Chest       37
Arms        11.5
Hips         37.75
Waist       31.5
Thigh       22.75
Calf         15.5

Weight: 153
BodyFat:  18.91%  (Up 1.5% from about 6 weeks ago...was not at all surprised-been eating like crap!)
Lbs Fat:  28.93
Lean Body Mass:  124.07

Now that I have everything logged and posted, my future posts should NOT be this long!!

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