Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Puke-fest,Pink Concert, Poses, OH MY! Deadlifting in public...And Shoulder striations...YEAH! (Yes, I'm still here!)

Lot's to cover today!  So... apparently the only "downtime" I ever have is when I work!  I have not had time to update, but I HAVE been logging my workouts, which I'm about to share with you!  

Yeah, this is the first full 12-hour shift I've worked in a while.  I was off work last Monday/Tuesday ... then I had a bout of food poisoning Tuesday night (Note: don't eat 4-day old tuna/mayo that may have sat on the counter longer than I realized...good timing though, since it kicked in right after a cheat meal of pizza and SMORE'S pizza!).  I was dehydrated and recovering Wednesday night, then Thursday was the P!nk concert (AaaaMAAAAZing!!)  I worked a half night Friday and was off work again Saturday/Sunday ... so here I am finally!

As for food ... I'm not doing horribly (measurements on 11/15: 18.13%, which is down 0.78% bodyfat in two weeks...not too shabby I guess), although I am still having some "bad" stuff occasionally (sweets and alcohol), but not really going overboard at all (except puke-fest night maybe).  My weight loss goal for now is a pound of fat-loss a week, and thus far am right on track (although in my head I want to be losing faster).  I am still wanting to build a little more muscle, so I'm going to enjoy my time with food for the rest of the year and continue to "bulk" until the new year, and then it's GO-time!!  That said, I do want to continue to make progress thru the holidays and not fluctuate wildly up and down, so I do plan to indulge without OVER-indulging.  I may or may not log my food on Myfitnesspal until the new year, not every day at least.  If I do it'll be more or less to see where I'm at on my macros.  As I've said before, you can always add me as a friend (lesliehylton81) to view my food log there. 

I'm starting to learn the competition poses and now I'm getting super excited!  It's going to be a lot more challenging, I think, than I can even imagine yet!  Can't wait to learn the rest and start practicing them (every time I pass a mirror) and start to put together a routine!  (Song suggestions....GO!  I'm already thinking Fallout Boy's "My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark"!)

Ok...here it is. WORKOUT LOG!  (Quick note:  I loooooove LIFTING!!) 

I don't mind working out at home, in fact sometimes I prefer it.  We are fortunate to have our Sunroom Sweatshop and all the equipment that we have... BUT having access to all the machines at the Monon (and sauna!) ROCKS!  Plus there are mirrors and I can SEE my progress happening and it's getting me even more motivated diet-wise because I can't wait to see my muscle under this layer of fat! 

Today I saw striations in my shoulders for the first time and I got ALL excited!  I don't know how long they've been visible because I'm not used to lifting in the mirror!  Gotta admit... I was kinda checkin' myself out!

Also, this was the first time I deadlifted in front of other people!  It was really ... just ... scary, awkward, and weird. But kinda in a good way?  Actually it kinda rocked because the chick hogging the rack for an hour, acting all bad-ass it seemed, was DL-ing like 70 pounds. I only had a couple minutes before I had to leave (Steve was almost there to pick me up... we had to go get the kiddos from school...) I almost said screw it, but I really wanted to get them in before I left!  So when she finally walked away, I quickly threw on 135lbs,  Hollywood Undead blasting in my earbuds, did two sets of 12 reps, feeling like everyone was staring at me the whole time... then ran out the door (not literally, but still..). I have no idea if anyone was looking at me or not. And I'm sure it was a lot more dramatic in my head. ;)

Ok, for real, the workouts:

Wed 11/13:
Abs at home in the morning
4:30pm - Teach BodyAttack

Thur 11/14:
8:30am - Took Steve's Tabata class (7 rounds)

9:15am - Lift @ Monon: Total Body (no notebook, some weight unknown)

        Leg Press (Quads) - 320 lbs - 3x10
        Cable Flyes (Upper chest) - 40 lbs - 3x10 (+ 1x10 @ 50 lbs mid chest)
        Single-leg Curl (Hamstring) - 35 lb - 3x10
        Lat Pulldown (Back/Lats) - 60 lb - 3x10
        Single Leg Press (Quad) - ??lb - 3x10
        Single Kickback (Glute) - 90 lb - 3x10
        Leg Extension (Quad) - ??lb - 3x10
        Seated Calf Raise - 90lb - 3x10
        Back Extension - 25lb - 3x10
        Close-grip pullup - ??lb - 3x10
        Tricep Rope Pulldown - ??lb - 3x10


Friday 11/15
9:30am BodyPump
10:30am CX Worx

(Enormous nachos for lunch!)

5:30pm BodyCombat
6:30pm CX Worx

Saturday 11/16 9:00am BodyPump
10:00am BodyCombat

Practice Posing w/Sandy!

Sunday 11/17

Lift @ home w/Jess (Total Body)

Chest:  Incline DB Press  - 22.5lb  -  3x15
           Flatbench BB Press - 65lb - 3x15
Back:   Good Mornings  - 45lb bar - 3x25  (holy hamstrings...hurt for days)
           Alt: DB B/O Row+Fly  - 12lb - 3x15
Should: BB O/H Press - 65lb -1x15//55lb - 2x15
           Alt: DB Front to Side Raise - 10lb - 3x12 ea
Quads: BB Squat - 165 - 2x15//135 - 2x20
           StepUps - 22.5lb - 1x10 ea leg // Static Lunges - 22.5 - 2x20 ea leg
Hams:  Romanian Deadlift - 145lb - 3x12
           Alt: Ham Ball Curl + Ball Inner Thigh Squeeze - 3x12/20-sec

Monday 11/18
5:30pm BodyPump

Tuesday 11/19

Lift @ Monon - Chest & Back (w/Steve)

Cable Fly (upper)       20lb      4x15
Lat Pulldown             65lb      4x15
Flatbench Press         70lb      4x15
Seated Cable Row      60lb      4x15
Pec Deck                  55/60     2/2x15
Single-arm B/O Row   25lb      3x15 ea
Incline Bench (BB)     65/60    1x15/1x12/2x12
Low Back Extension    25lb      4x15
Wide Pullups          10/12/14   1x10/8/6

Cardio - 15 min - Arc Trainer
Sauna - 15 min

5:30pm BodyPump

(Food Poisoning kicked in shortly after!)

Wed 11/20 - RECOVERY

I supposed that's quite long enough for now...  Thursday/Friday/Monday lifting workouts are pretty lengthy...stay tuned!!!!

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